The College of Life Care Planning Excellence was formed to recognize those life care planners whose expertise, experience and contribution to the field of life care planning are exemplary. The College rewards those life care planners who have achieved a high level of skill and who use their skills and knowledge to promote the advancement of life care planning. The College of Life Care Planning Excellence grants its Fellow designation based upon criteria established nearly 20 years ago.
The Fellow designation (FIALCP) was first established through the International Academy of Life Care Planners (IALCP) in 1996. IALCP was a privately owned professional membership association at that time. Its goals were to serve the advanced practice educational needs of life care planners and to promote the application of Standards of Practice for Life Care Planners (now in its third edition) in the field. In 2006, IALCP became a professional section of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals [IARP], however, it continues to maintain the same goals.