MediLegal NV LLC has over 25 years experience in assisting attorneys, insurance companies and private organizations in the screening, investigation and interpretation of medical cases with a focus on life care planning and damage evaluations.
Medilegal NV LLC, formally known as MediLegal, Professional Nursing Corporation, originated in Northern California in 1995, and is now relocated in the Las Vegas area as of 2023.
MediLegal NV LLC’s President, Tracy Albee, RN, LNCC, FIALCP, ICCCP (F) serves as an expert in the specialty of Life Care Planning. Our company prides itself on the quality, integrity and the upmost confidentiality provided in every case we are retained. With those values in mind, we can assure that deadlines are precise in meeting case litigation and court schedule dates.
As well as providing expert opinions in Life Care Planning, MediLegal NV LLC also provides services such as Legal Nurse Consulting, which is used when cases need the litigation support of an RN, without the need to designate an expert.
Types of Cases Where Life Care Planning, Medical Cost Projections, Past Bill Reviews, Lien Analyses, Putting a Value on Past Gratuitous Caregivers and/or Legal Nurse Consulting may be needed:
Life Care Plans are beneficial when estimating an injured individual’s future medical care needs. A Life Care Plan is defined by the International Academy of Life Care Planners as “a dynamic document based upon published standards of practice, comprehensive assessment, data analysis, and research, which provides an organized, concise plan for current and future needs with associated cost for individuals who have experienced catastrophic injury or have chronic health care needs.”